Your donation
saves lives

Starting CPR within 3 minutes of an emergency dramatically increases somebody’s chance of survival.

By donating today, you will be helping St John Ambulance equip more people with the skills necessary to save a life so that they can spring into action within those crucial 180 seconds.

What will you do with the next 3 minutes?

Stories from our lifesavers

“I came back a second time and then I knew I was alive”

When Simon had a cardiac arrest in the office, Flora knew exactly what to do.

How You Could Save a Life.
In 3 Steps.

Emergency: Adult Choking

If you think someone is choking, ask them ‘Are you choking?' If they can breathe, speak or cough then they might be able to clear their own throat. If they cannot breathe, cough, or make any noise, then they need your help straight away.

Follow the three steps.

If the blockage has not cleared, call 999 or 112 for emergency help straight away. Repeat five back blows and five abdominal thrusts until help arrives, re-checking their mouth each time.

If they become unresponsive at any point, prepare to start adult CPR.

Step 1: Cough it out.

Encourage them to cough and remove any obvious obstruction from their mouth.

Step 2: Slap it out.

If coughing fails to work, you need to give five sharp back blows.

To do this, help them to lean forwards, supporting their upper body with one hand.

With the heel of your other hand give them five sharp back blows between their shoulder blades.

After each back blow, check to see if there’s anything in their mouth.

Step 3: Squeeze it out.

If back blows fail to clear the obstruction, give five abdominal thrusts.

To do this, stand behind them and put your arms around their waist.

Place one hand in a clenched fist between their belly button and the bottom of their chest.

With your other hand, grasp your fist and pull sharply inwards and upwards up to five times. Check their mouth again, each time.

By donating just £10 a month, you will help St John Ambulance save lives by delivering:


Sign up to 3 Minutes to Save a Life to fund first aid training for voluntary lifesavers, Community First Responders and additional first aiders in your community.


We want everybody to be competent and comfortable providing first aid, even if they’re not officially trained. We’re constantly developing programmes to share lifesaving tips with a broader audience.

Your support will help us reach even more people.


St John Ambulance’s work goes beyond training. We also fund and deliver the equipment needed to provide aid. Your donation will help us source defibrillators, health & safety kits, and put more ambulances on the road.

By setting up a regular donation, you’ll help us be there when it matters most. As a thank you, you’ll receive quarterly emails packed with lifesaving resources.

Set up a regular donation

At St John Ambulance, we’re working hard to equip even more people with crucial lifesaving skills, so they can take action when it really matters.

With your help, we can build an army of highly trained first aiders to serve our communities and make the most of those critical first few minutes before help arrives.

First Aid Saves Lives.

As a charity, St John Ambulance relies on your support to continue sharing lifesaving skills. By donating today, you’ll ensure we’re able to save a life tomorrow.

Why St John Ambulance?

We are the charity that steps forward in the moments that matter, to save lives and keep communities safe. All our charitable work is entirely funded by donations, and we are a market leader in the provision of workplace training, first aid supplies and event and ambulance services.

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